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Our Process

”Your building needs to be conceived and you are the one who will be responsible to live with it and care for it, we therefore believe you need to be involved in its conception”                                                                                                                       Sean Jeffries Pavis

We encourage an active dialogue with our clients. We value your involvement so we deliberately show  you the ideas. We will throw ideas out there for us to talk about and then, we work on them together. We believe this is a vital part of the architectural experience and creative process of the development of your building and is a key part of our client-centred, sustainable architecture experience.

                                                    You are our building users decide 
                                                    which ideas grow and which die,
                                                    growing into your collaborative 
                                                    architectural solution.



We never start with preconceived ideas, we work with our clients to develop proposals that most elegantly and appropriately meet your unique needs.  We talk to our clients and explore how they work and what they uniquely need and then we endeavour to create the best environment to make that happen.

"We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us”  Winston Churchill – Form UK Prime Minister

As part of our process for the development of the design we offer our clients the option of a Design Workshops, utilising “Planning of Real” style techniques, where all the buildings users, staff and potential users can be involved in the briefing and design of the building.

”human behaviour is more influenced by things outside of us than inside.
The situation is the external environment. The inner environment is genes, moral history, religious training”

Philip Zimbardo – Social Psychologist

The building unfolds from that understanding of how our clients do what they do and also an understanding of what they want to be doing in the future. This leads us to the spaces that clients require in order to allow aid them in making it happen.

We find that this community engagement approach of making environments is rewarding and fulfilling for all those involved.
                                                                                                           The buildings community ecology
                                                                                                           planning process based on concept
                                                                                                           3D Physical Models and 3D model
                                                                                                           computer models process allows
                                                                                                           building stakeholders register their
                                                                                                           views on a range of issues, to work 
                                                                                                           together to identify priorities, and
                                                                                                           in partnership with local agencies
                                                                                                           go on to develop an action plan
                                                                                                           for change.

”The most important things in life are the connections you make with others”
Tom Ford – Fashion Designer

”May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears” Nelson Mandela – Former President of South Africa

"Follow the yellow brick road”    Dorothy Gale – Witch Slayer

Our brief development and design process of course there is plenty of flexibility within this
            process, and we can adapt any programme to suit a client’s needs.

                                                                                                            We encourage an active dialogue with our clients as part of our collaborative design
                                                                                                            process. This means that the proposals benefit from the invaluable insight of our clients and
                                                                                                            building users. We are experts in design, but our clients are experts on their organisations
                                                                                                            and what they need. We believe that working together is a vital part of the architectural
                                                                                                            experience and creative process of the development of your proposals, to create the
                                                                                                            objects, spaces and places that meet your individual needs and aspirations.





Client centred design adds value through getting close to our clients, through a range of user
involvement techniques. This process broadens and deepens the impact of design and
involves our clients in conception and creation of their building. It takes the creative process
from simply being an aesthetic and spatial method to one which is far more valuable,
an individually crafted, client-centred, solution which is unique as its users.

We are passionate about buildings and their users and work with our clients on the complex
relationship between cognitive awareness and spatial composition to create unique
buildings and spaces that respond to their unique needs. 

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