www.pavis.co contact@pavis.co 07837 560 462
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, it is the one that is most adaptable to change” Charles Robert Darwin - Naturalist
Our Focus - Identifying your needs
We are passionate about people and the spaces that affect them. We believe that design is a collaborative, evolutionary process, each design learns from and is influenced by previous designs, it is affected by its owners and users, its environment and the social, economic and environmental forces upon it, forming what we believe that are the key ingredients in creating a successful architectural solution, a cognitive space.
+ Delivering what the client has asked for – It’s their building, they are the ones who will love it, live with it and care for it.
+ Inclusiveness and accessibility for all – A well designed building must take into account cognitive abilities as well as physical abilities.
+ Fitness for purpose, without expensive add-ons – Eco bling is never the answer and a well-designed building does not require make up.
+ Sustainability, integrated into the fabric and use of the building – A healthy building does not require
mechanical life support.
+ Low running and maintenance costs – Zero Carbon is just the start, buildings can make you money and
help reduce fuel poverty for their users.
+ Delivering a return on investment – Maximising the building and site potential, elegantly meeting the user’s
needs, gives a building a longer life.
+ Having a positive flexibility for a future change of use – Adaptability and flexibility is the ultimate sustainable solution.
+ Cost-effectiveness: In the long term – Poorly functioning buildings cost more to run and need replacing more quickly.
+ Delivering value over the whole life of the building – Good design works with its users and helps maximise their potential.